Session One
Students will watch and discuss the half-hour film Child 31 – The Story of Mary’s Meals. In this video they will meet Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow, CEO and founder of Mary’s Meals, and hear how the charity started.
The work of Mary’s Meals is closely linked to some of the topics covered in the curriculum here in Ireland. Child 31 gives examples of how to be an active citizen, how to make a difference as a member of the community, and how to contribute and give back to society.
Suggested discussion questions
- What are some of the reasons that children in countries where Mary’s Meals works can become homeless or fall into poverty and how can we help to address this?
- How is education helping to create a brighter future for children who receive Mary’s Meals?
- How can we, as a school / community, help Mary’s Meals to grow and to support more children? (It’s a good idea to keep a note of their answers as they will be asked again in week six.)
Child 31
Session One

Session Two
Session Three

Session Four

Session Five

Session Six