Little Acts, Big Difference

Little Acts, Big Difference is a youth programme – made up of six modules – that introduces the life-changing work of Mary’s Meals and invites you to become a part of this vibrant global family.
Through short films and stories, you’ll be transported to different countries and meet some of the amazing people who are working together to realise Mary’s Meals’ vision that every child receives one daily meal in their place of education.
You’ll also hear from some children who receive Mary’s Meals in school and see that, while they are often facing many obstacles, their lives are being improved through community action and education.
See our lesson plans here.

Excerpt from the 'Shed that Fed' book

Little Acts, Big Difference Certificate
Over to you!
Here are a few fundraising ideas that might help to get you started, but please feel free to get creative and dream up your own unique ways to support our mission!

A day in the life
During the programme, the students met some amazing children who face challenges every day in pursuit of an education. You could encourage them to design a ‘day in the life’ fundraising challenge and ask neighbours and friends to sponsor them.

Little acts add up!
Work out how much you would need to save each week to feed a child with Mary’s Meals by the end of the school year. Consider giving up something you like and putting the money aside for Mary’s Meals each week – giving up something small yourself to make a big difference to one of the world’s poorest children.

Have FUN fundraising
If it is possible and appropriate to plan a fundraising event, this can be a great way to raise awareness of our work while also helping to feed the next child waiting for Mary’s Meals.